Facilitator Course at Handemy
【Danyang=KoreaPlus】 Reporter Bong Ji Hyun = Handemy facilitated a Facilitator Course last Saturday, 24th July, to help all Experience Town managers in Danyang to get better educated on communication.

【Danyang=KoreaPlus】 Reporter Bong Ji Hyun = Handemy facilitated a Facilitator Course last Saturday, 24th July, to help all Experience Town managers in Danyang to get better educated on communication.

Facilitator Course has been popular in recent times for anyone dealing in the service industry, as it aids in learning to communicate with others in smooth transition.

As stated in dictionary.com, a facilitator is “a person responsible for leading or coordinating the work of a group”.

For managers of Experience Towns this course proves useful to each individual since one will learn how to conduct and lead an experience with more confidence. Although this day course is insufficient to earn a qualification, it is a start of a course that can be continued in order to qualify to practice.

Building confidence
Managers leaning communication skills


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